dimanche 29 août 2010

MY city is the best !

I don't know if all the French think the way I do, I should say the way we do, because I am from Marseilles, and like most people living here I am quite happy and proud of my city with all its defects included !

Indeed, most of the time, when Marseilles is mentioned on French television it's only either to relate some bloody criminal case in the news or a strike (the city is reputed in France for having very strong town unions which paralyse transports and/or garbage collection at least once a year). Sometimes, it is to convey an old-fashion cliché about men with a strong unintelligible accent, drinking pastis by the sea, playing the petanque bowl game. 
We, inhabitants of Marseilles, attribute these terrible reports to the fact that the inhabitants of Paris are our natural "enemies" ( this trend is very much present in football, in the season, the most important thing for the local team O. M. is to win over Paris team.). 

What is never virtually mentioned about my city:
the "calanques"
  • There are beautiful sites within the city itself, though the "cannebière" is highly overrated IMHO, as well as splendid small isles nearby, not to mention the savage seaside the "calanques". 

  • If you have more than hour for your lunch break and enough energy, you'll probably be able to go for a swim in the sea every day!

  • The city is constituted of many neighbourhoods, almost villages , in which the atmosphere, the landscape , and people are very different. In each of these villages, you'll find food markets some of which reflect the multicultural quality of the city.

  • Becoming a "Marseillais" is quite an easy task, we don't need an integration policy, here nobody will ask if you're from French descent, and certainly not for how much time your family has been here. We just assume that whatever the origin, you're now here and you're a Marseillais. The only thing is to never proclaim your love for another football team in public and certainly not in the street !
 This video was taken before the match had started, the players were just warming up.

  • Whenever someone asks "what"s the weather like?" the answer will be "sunny"

  • The city is over 2000 years old, so it is quite rich historically !

  • The Alps are just about an hour away.

  • In the morning, you can buy fresh fish right from the fisher's boat in the port located right in the city center.

  • Notre Dame de la Garde !
Notre Dame de la Garde by night seen from le vieux port

  • You can witness a whole comic sketch in the street at any time for a disagreement on a parking place, or a driving violation.

If you are ever to visit my city, a few things need to be said (among the defects) criminality IS an issue by night, but also during the day, in the city centre, but also at the beaches (thieves go to the beach too).
This being said, and even if I was once robbed from my purse (taken into my bag without violence: I  did not realise it was gone until a few minutes later), I have never been assaulted, nor witnessed any assault myself. Maybe because I do may attention to where I am, and who to carefully avoid. 

Maybe, you've guessed it, I feel more Marseillaise than French, yet, when I spend time abroad, I start to feel French again !

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